Wednesday, 14 January 2015

Working my Younique Business around 3 Small Children and a Pregnancy

Hey Ladies,

  When I joined Younique as a founding UK Presenter I was 7 months Pregnant.  I did have to make a decision prior to whether I could handle a business as well as my 3 Children aged 5,3 and almost 2 at the time plus a Pregnancy, never mind 4 Children under 6.

  I made the decision that I could do it, if other Younique Presenter were doing it why couldn't I,  I did have experience of working online and in Direct Sales so I knew that you decided your hours and how much time you will put into your business.

 I am a girl with vision for my future, I didn't used to but when you have financial problems, or other hard times in your life something inside your mind switches to thinking in a different way.  For me instead of struggling each month to even pay bills I wanted to not worry about money so working around my Children was the way to do it.

 So currently 2 days before my due date and I am writing this blog post which is in fact part of my business so I am still working.  But its fun and doesn't feel like work.  I am also still supporting my team, making sure they are happy and know what there next steps are.  I am still marketing my business on social media and helping customers.  With Online Marketing you can do things when you can, its not got to be done straight away.  This is the positives of working online and why so many mums are turning to online businesses.

 I work whilst my son naps and when the Children have gone to bed.  Which is what I used to do as a Mummy Blogger so quite normal for me.

 My advice for any mums that have decided to work from home via the internet is to create a daily plan and stick to it.  Planning is key!

          I hope you enjoyed todays Blog Post.  If you want to find out more about being a Younique Presenter then take a look at my website HERE or email me on

Tuesday, 13 January 2015

Favourite 'Younique Cosmetics' Looks of the Day

Hey Ladies!

Here are some of my favourite Younique Looks ....

Here is me wearing Younique's Lipgloss called Lavish! Its a Deep Pink and full of Sparkle! Ideal for the Day or Evening!  Check out the cute little mirror on the packaging!

Here is a comparison Photo from one of my downline in Younique, No Mascara and one coat of Younique's 3D mascara.  How amazing are her lashes! This photo was taken before she joined as a presenter, she loved the results and the product so much she decided to start her Younique Business!

I just love this photo so much! Youniques Pigments are amazing! You can use them dry or with a wet brush to create a more dramatic effect.  Even use the Black (Devious) as eyeliner! 

To See the Products over on my Online Shop Go HERE

Monday, 12 January 2015

Turn Your New Years Goals into Results

Hey Ladies,

  I wanted to share this post with you as I find it so important, I want you to turn your New Years Goals into results!!  

 We start the year off with New Years Goals and a few days or months later the motivation has disappeared.  Has this happened to you? This is so common but there is a pattern, there is a reason that people are loosing their motivation and desire for that end result.

 Think back to when you set your goal, what you were thinking when you set that goal?   You wanted to change something in your life, feel a new you.   Are you a person that sets a goal which is actually a hope, a wish for the year or are you a person who is going to succeed to make that change your reality.

  To see results you need to see progress on your journey, this makes you feel motivated each day.

  Without progress we aren't moving forward.

To Get the Results You Want

1.  So first things first to succeed you need .... a Vision!!!  

 You need to think about what you want to create not what you want to stop or do.  You want something that pulls you to work at the goal not that you have to push yourself to do.  You need something that you desire, something that excites you and that you can't stop thinking about.

 For Example...  You want to loose weight.  So now you need to add the vision.  You want to feel amazing, feel happy when you look in the mirror.  You want to have gained more confidence in yourself so you step outside of your comfort zone to achieve other dreams.  As you can see I have added a vision, more how I will feel, what other changes will happen if I loose weight, loosing weight on its own isn't enough.

 When you have strong enough reasons to succeed the goal becomes much more emotionally important to you.  Everyone goes through hard times and you need something to push you to keep going instead of just giving up.   When you keep imagining what you want, you think about it all time as you know a reason why its so important to happen in your life.

For example... whose lives will it change if you succeed with your goal?


2. You need to set high standards for yourself

  Before you get your Goal,  you have to higher your standards first as that will get you acting in the way you wish to continue even when you have reached your goal.  You have to act consistently with how you define yourself, how do you want to see yourself? What standards need to change to reach your goal?

 You have to make the decision to make it a must not a should.  If you set your standards higher you find a way to accomplish your goal.   It may be hard to believe you will achieve at first but you have to change your mindset.  Unfortunately at a young age or because of what we are told we believe some things can't be achieved.  But you have to re-condition your mind to believe you can.

  For example ....  When I started working online I had no confidence in myself, asked myself what I was doing but I knew that to achieve my goal, my dreams I had to change my mindset to believe I could achieve. To do this I had to step outside of my comfort zone of standards and raise them.  I made the decision that I didn't have to hide my life and struggles with friends as my story may change people lives in the future.  I felt so much better and felt I can achieve anything and no one will stop me.

3. You need to set Daily Actions which keeps the standards and your goals real

Success and failure are so similar, they are from all the little steps we take daily its not a overnight event.  If you are trying to loose weight you are not going to loose weight in a week, its about all the little things you do on a daily basis. To keep your relationship great, it takes all the little steps you do daily.  Since my grandparents were young my Grandad has always brought my Grandma a cup of tea in bed in the morning without fail.  Its now normal to him, it doesn't take effort and it makes my Grandma happy which makes my Grandad happy too.


Task to Help you....

1. Choose a goal you have set, which part of your life does it belong too, Health? Relationship? Financial? Career?  Write down what its currently like.
2. Write down your current Daily Actions for that area of your life, if you are not sure ask someone who would know.
3. Write down what you want your result to look like, your vision and why you want the change.
4. What are the  Daily Actions that will get you there? Pick 2-3 daily to start with.

                Hope this helps you Turn Your Goals into Reality

                                                            Victoria x

Friday, 9 January 2015

Younique's Moonstruck 3D Fiber Lash Mascara Review

Hey Ladies,

 I thought I would do a review on Younique's 3D Fiber Lash Mascara, tell you about the product and how you apply it.

Here I am wearing 2 Coats of Younique's 3D Fiber Lash Mascara

 So as you know I am a Younique Presenter and one of the things I love doing is sharing how amazing the products are with others.  I will give you a little background on myself and makeup...

  Before I became a Presenter and used the products I was not a huge fan of makeup and certainly didn't get excited over it.   I liked to wear Makeup but mascara was not on the top of my list of makeup priorities.  If you are a mum you may understand, you have a limited time to get your makeup on that morning especially if you are like me and don't get up before the children.  I wore mascara and tried quite a few mascaras but I always felt that they didn't do what they advertised on the bottle.  So it was a let down every time I tried something new until I joined Younique and tried their Mascara!!

 Younique's 3D Fiber Lash Mascara

'Using a simple 3 step process combining Transplanting Gel and Natural Tea Leaf Fibers you create the appearance of incredible thickness and volume to you own eye lashes, ( up to 300%).  The Mascara is water resistant but can easily be washed off with warm water and facial cleanser'


 When I first came across the Younique Mascara it was not available in the UK, but I saw the results from excited and happy ladies and I knew I was going to be buying it as soon as I could.  It seemed too good to be true by the results but I had American friends and obviously trusted them.  I was shocked that you just apply it like regular mascara but the results are so different.

 So here is a Photo of the Mascara and the Case...

As you can see you get 2 Mascara tubes inside a case that looks like it is for glasses, its a really sturdy so the Younique Mascara is safe inside.  The longer tube contains the transplanting gel which looks like mascara, its black, the smaller tube contains the fibers which look like tiny bits of fluff.

How to apply.....

1. You can apply a thin coat of your favourite or regular Mascara, but you don't have too, some people prefer to others don't.  

2. Open the lids of Both Mascara tubes, so you are ready

3. Apply a coat of the Transplanting Gel ( so the fibers stick)

4. Apply the Fibers

5. Apply another Coat of the Transplanting Gel  ( to seal the fibers)

6. Repeat if you want too.

Here is my Review Video and you will see me apply the 3D Fiber Lash Mascara

As you can see the Younique Mascara really makes my lashes much longer and thicker and is so easy you apply!  I have time around my Children which is great!  Whats even better and very important is that Younique's Mascara and other products are all natural and who wants harsh Chemicals on our skin! I sure don't.

If you want to purchase the Mascara please visit my website >>> HERE <<<

Remember to change the flag at the top right to which country you live in, so we can sell to America, Canada,  UK, Australia and New Zealand.

If you would like to ask me any questions my email address is ...

I hope you enjoyed my review!

 See You Soon, Victoria x

Saturday, 3 January 2015

Decide on Your Why for your Business

It is so important to decide on Your Why for your Business because you will go through lows and wonder what you are making the effort for, its the negative mindset.  So if we have a 'why' why you are doing the business, why you started and what changed you intend to make to your life and others around you, it give you the drive, motivation and passion to move forward.

Ask Yourself........

Why did you make the decision to grow your business, who will it it benefit?

What changes do you want to make?

 I also share with you my why! Hope you enjoy the Video!


 If you have any questions email me - Younique Website

Friday, 2 January 2015

Before Younique I was a Mummy Blogger

 Hey, Just wanted to share this Video I created a little while ago... 'Before Younique I was a Mummy Blogger'

 In fact I still am a mummy blogger, just have put it to the side this year. Since having my Children I have learned so much about how mums can socialise on the internet, share their story and now earn a living.  Its been an amazing journey and one I am so grateful to be continuing!

 Victoria x